The parish church of Corsignano is a Romanesque building with sacred cylindrical bell tower “severed” which is located in Pienza, just outside the city center. The church, originally dedicated to the two saints Vito and Modesto (the real name is in fact ieve of Saints Vito and Modesto to Corsignano), dates back to the seventh century and the remaking of the thirteenth century Romanesque. The last major renovation was carried out in 1925.



The exterior of the building, built of sandstone blocks from the quarries in the area, has a façade with a mullioned window at the top while the interior has three naves with large pillars with asymmetric arches and an altar for each of them, with decorations very simple: no fresco and a few colored sheets. On the right side, the opposite to the bell tower, above the lintel of the side we find a nativity scene in bas-relief depicting the Nativity and the three wise men.

The church has its own particular historical and religious importance: in fact it was baptized before Pope Pius II in 1405 (it is the pope who rebuilt the city changing its name from Corsignano in Pienza) and later Pope Pius III, who was his nephew, in 1503 it also attests an inscription in Latin near the baptismal font inside: “Hic duo Pontifices sacred baptismatis undas, Patruus accepit, et inde Pius Nepos” .

The church has few religious symbolism and many esoteric references: the mermaid in bas-relief of the portal to the two rams’ heads on the left jamb, up to two snakes in bas-relief on a capital of the left aisle and mermaids and monsters scattered around.